Can You Solve Google India’s Coding Puzzle That has a Cryptic New Year Message?

in a year where children started learning to code in India to upskill themselves amid coronavirus lockdown, Google India has posted a #CrackTheCode challenge on Twitter.

On Monday, the tech giant tweeted a code and asked netizens to spot the error in it. Captioning the image of the code, Google wrote, “New Year is almost here and we’re all set to start the countdown ⏱ Find the error and #CrackTheCode to display the number of days left before it’s 2021”.

New Year is almost here and we’re all set to start the countdown ⏱Find the error and #CrackTheCode to display the number of days left before it’s 2021. 

As most of the followers worked on their coding skills to point out the error there were some who also posted some witty comments. As one follower commented, “Error found in the whole year 2020. Let’s quickly move to 2021”.

Meanwhile, some were reminded of their college days as Google posed such coding based questions. “Reminds me of college days”, commented one user.

Finally, even Google India posted the error that was in the original tweet and shared in the following thread, “All you had to do to close the loop on 2020 was close the brackets for the date & time. You have cracked the code and the countdown – there are 3 days left to the New Year.”

India has witnessed a rise in children taking up coding lessons as most of the schools do not offer this subject.

In a 2017 Guardian report, Britain’s most eminent computing pioneers, Dame Stephanie Shirley had mentioned that by engaging young children and girls in particular, the male geek stereotype can be tackled and they can discover their passion for puzzles and problem-solving much before.

Speaking to the Guardian, Shirley had mentioned that there is nothing as “too early” when it comes to learning coding. She had also said that evidence suggested that the best time to introduce children to simple coding activities was between the ages of two and seven. She mentioned that most of the successful later coders start between five and six since those years are the best for learning anything and it is before your brain starts considering coding as something that only geeks or nerds do.

Credit : https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/can-you-solve-google-indias-coding-puzzle-that-has-a-cryptic-new-year-message-3226298.html

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